The failure of the UN, European Union and the Arab world to address the double whammy of the Assad governments repressive actions in Syria and the pincer movement of IS has culminated in an already growing problem of refugees and a growing xenophobia in the UK to become the humanitarian crisis it is today.

The crisis brings to a head weeks of media propaganda about the movement of peoples across Europe, in fact across the world in response to a fortress mentality, epitomised by the UK and Australian responses to asylum and refugee peoples.
Sadly the death of a little Syrian boy and his body floating in the sea has finally prompted a compassionate response. Hopefully the UK will change and people will begin to develop an ideology based on compassion rather than separatism and undermine the prevailing selfish, class ridden constructs which have brought into power a government not of the people but of 25% of us who we can eventually remove to build a better more utilitarian society of equal opportunity for all, including migrants and refugees.
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